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Will Blew - I'm hosting my own streams - Episode I

I'm hosting my own streams - Episode I

No, you can't stop me


Most of these are understandable, even if I disagree with the approach. Twitch has to make money and it's clear they're prioritizing that over actual features gamers/streamers need on their platform. You can clearly see this by the hundreds of external services for the platform (IE: streamlabs, [insert generic alert service]).


The basic (and I'm sure naive) setup is going to be as listed below:

To keep it short and sweet, I'm going to have a dashboard where I set the title, and queue a job to fire a stream that executes ffmpeg in the background. These values will then be stored and served via the live stream page.

For the first iteration I won't be storing vods, but it's essentially just another flag and storage that's needed for that so I'll most likely ship those off to a object storage bucket or something when I add that.

Most of this portion is either functional now, or will be shortly.

But what about chat? What about alerts!?!?!!

I'm not 100% on either of these in regards to implementation but I have some ideas.

Alerts seem easy, all I'll need to do is create some kind of socket or pipeline of data that outputs events from chat, joins, subscriptions via KOFI and push them to database (SQLite or something) then push display those on a green-screen color page. I'm going to assume it will be something like /notifications and on receiving an alert of any type (types to be defined) it would queue and display them in order with timeouts.

For chat I'm not sure if I'm going to offload to IRC or anything like that because I think a simple message queue that purges after every stream may suffice since I only have around 3-12 average viewers and I expect it to be on the lower end of that for self-hosted steams.

I'll have more on this soon as I begin to demo it, and may even post a video blog here showing it as it works but just wanted to post a quick outline here for progress sake.

Author: Will Blew

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