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Will Blew - Where am I?

Where am I?

Hey, so it's been a while since I've had a blog so I figured I'd start here... Explaining why I feel I need one right now.

The Why

For the past year plus I've been struggling. I've been struggling with the world, my own ideas, and even enjoying the idea's I want think I want to execute on. During 2024 I did a really fun 30 day video challenge and spoke about this somewhat along the way.

While trying to write this I think I landed on a short way to outline a very complex internal struggle.

"I love what I do and my life, but I'm bored and not as challenged as it may seem"

So, why is this a problem?

For me being in this state is equivalent to prison mentally.

So, how does this blog fit in?

I'm not really sure yet, but I'm going to try to write every day and share the ideas and things I'm doing even if I throw them away.
My first task is to update this blog to directly support markdown and pretty up the links.

See you soon.

Author: Will Blew

💬 I Am here for it 🖊️By: ZeroCool

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